

An allergen is any substance that can trigger an allergic response in an individual. The same substance may be an allergen for one person while not for any other person. Each individual behaves differently towards different objects he/she comes in contact with. So, a substance can be an allergen only for the ones who are allergic to it, i.e, who coming in contact with the substance can trigger an allergic response. Let us now learn about some common allergens. 1. Allergens causing asthma: A wide range of substances can trigger allergic asthma. Some of these are pollens, dust mites, pets, air pollution and even some medicines like beta-blockers can trigger asthma. 2. Allergens causing Wheat allergy: As the name suggests, any wheat made product can trigger the allergic response in a person allergic to wheat.

Allergy: Types

Types of Allergies 1. Hay fever:  2. Drug allergy: Body may sometimes react abnormally to certain medications and such allergies are called drug allergies. Example, many people are allergic to penicillin class of antibiotics. The reaction is generally mild but may be severe in some cases. Hypersensitivity can be shown in the form of rashes. This is why an allergy test is done before administering any iv antibiotic. The test is done by introducing a small amount of the antibiotic in the vein and marked the location of administration. If the recipient is allergic to the antibiotic, it will lead to an undesirable reaction. And the antibiotic can then be replaced accordingly. 3. Atopic dermatitis: Coming just in the contact of a certain substance may also cause the body to respond in an unpleasant manner. It is generally observed as a skin rash. It is also known as contact dermatitis. 4. Food allergy: Unpleasant and sometimes dangerous reactions after eating certain kin...

Allergy: Introduction

Allergy is an immune response to a foreign antigen that results in inflammation and organ dysfunction. Allergies range from the life-threatening to the annoying and include systemic anaphylaxis, laryngeal oedema, transfusion reactions, bronchospasm, vasculitis, angioedema, urticaria, eczematous dermatitis, hay fever, rhinitis, and conjunctivitis. Allergic responses may be initiated and sustained by occupational exposures to allergens, by foods, animals, fungal spores, metals, rubber products, and other agents. Allergies can be regarded as the hypersensitive reactions of the immune system to various allergens. A substance may be an allergen for one person, while just a normal substance for the other. Allergies are individual responses and are not communicable.